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Brought to you in collaboration with Grindr

Image with brand logo of Mist LGBTQ Foundation and Grindr Dating Application with a rainbow heart in centre to showcase collaboration.

Get Help: Stay Safe While Meeting People from Online Dating Apps

Meeting someone from a dating app can be exciting but comes with safety risks, especially for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Follow these guidelines to ensure your personal safety.

Follow these guidelines for a safer experience on and offline.

  • Meet in Public: Always choose a well-lit, busy public place like a café, mall, or restaurant for your first few meetings. Avoid secluded or private spaces until you feel comfortable with the person.
  • Tell Someone You Trust: Share details about your plans, including the location, time, and name of the person you're meeting. If possible, set a check-in time with a friend.
  • Use Your Own Transportation: Arrange your own transportation to and from the meeting. Avoid accepting rides, especially if you're meeting someone for the first time.
  • Set Clear Boundaries: Be clear about what you’re comfortable with in terms of physical contact, conversation topics, and personal space. Respect for your boundaries is key.
  • Limit Personal Information: Avoid sharing too much personal information early on. This includes your home address, financial details, or intimate photos.
  • Trust Your Gut: If something feels off or uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to end the meeting. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for protecting your safety.
  • Bring Emergency Resources: Carry essentials like a charged phone, some cash, and emergency contacts easily accessible. Consider using apps that share your location with a trusted person in real-time.

Must-Do Practices

Verify Their Identity

Use video calls before meeting in person to ensure the person matches their profile.

Check the Profile for Red Flags

Watch out for inconsistencies in stories or pressure to move too fast into intimacy.

Prepare a Safe Exit Plan

Have a plan in case you feel uncomfortable. Know the nearest exit and have transportation options ready.

Avoid Alcohol/Drug Consumption

Stay in control of your faculties. Alcohol or drug use can impair judgment and put you at risk.

Must-Not-Do Practices

Do Not Go to Their House on the First Date

Avoid private spaces, especially in the early stages of getting to know someone.

Do Not Rely on Them for Transportation

Don’t get into their car before you’ve established trust.

Do Not Share Too Much Personal Data

Keep conversations light and fun, but be cautious with details like your address, workplace, or financial info.

Do Not Let Them Pressure You

Anyone who pressures you for sex or personal details early on should raise alarm bells.

In Case of an Emergency

If you feel unsafe, leave the situation immediately and contact local authorities or a trusted friend.

Mist LGBTQ Foundation's Crisis Support Line

Call 9429690117 For Emergency & Help

You can also find support through local LGBTQ+ support groups/collectives below

Emergency Support & Helpline Numbers. (Click on each state name to view contact from the respective states)

Does your collective supports LGBTQ+ individuals in crisis?

If yes, please fill out the form below, and we'll add your group's details to our list. If you know any group who supports LGBTQ+ individuals in crisis, share this form with them.

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