Love me, Right?

Dreaming through the night,
and the night lamp burning bright.

My hopes are high,
as tomorrow we fly,
holding hands,
we’ll flee, my lover,
i’ll never leave.

I see their swords,
swaying in the sky,
i see their eyes,
hoping you’ll die.

They’ll slay you through,
our forbidden love,
will never be true.

With these broken wings,
i’ll fly high,
till i reach reach you,
then i’ll die.

Once and for all,
we’ll be whole,
this cruel world,
won’t behold.

My love,
i’ll rise,
i’ll make every moment count.

Written by - Sam | Age: 16 | Location: Pune | Language: English

Started in 2009 as a collective and now as Mist LGBTQ Foundation, Mist aims at empowering the LGBTQ+ community & promotes safe love by changing mindset through awareness.

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